Heart / Cardiac Care Tips :)

The heart is a muscular organ responsible for pumping blood through the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. Taking specific steps to care for your heart can prolong your lifetime by decades.

Check your cholesterol and blood pressure levels checked regularly.  You should have the doctor check your cholesterol level regularly for good and bad cholesterol. The good cholesterol should be higher than the bad. High blood pressure is a sign of heart disease so checking your blood pressure  regularly and controlling it by diet and exercise is important.

Avoid or quit smoking :  Smoking leads to cancer and difficulty in breathing in many cases.  It thickens the artery walls leading to heart disease.  It's bad for you so try to give up the habit or work on quitting  as quickly as possible.

Eat Less Carbs:  A diet high in carbohydrates contributes significantly to heart disease. Research has found out precisely, how cornflakes, white bread, french fries and similar foods containing high amounts of carbohydrates aggravate the probability of a heart disease. Arterial stress was observed in people who consumed foods with a high glycemic index such as cornflakes, sugar and french fries. It was discovered that foods having a high glycemic index made the brachial arteries swell for many hours.

Stop Smoking: Smoking is a major cause of heart disease. The American Heart Association has named cigarette smoking as the most dangerous of the modifiable risk factors. Overall, smokers experience a 70% greater death rate from heart and blood vessel disease than nonsmokers. Heavy smokers (twenty or more cigarettes per day) have a death rate two to three times greater than nonsmokers. 

Exercise: There's been a lot told about the benefits of exercise. All you need is 20 to 30 minutes of exercise that keeps your heart at 60% to 70% of your maximum heart beat rate. For adults that is about 110 beats per minute. Walking fast is helpful, not taking a stroll. The best thing is to jog or even run. Interval training has a number of benefits. This is one of the most simplest and powerful things one can do to keep the heart healthy. Exercise by walking, swimming or cycling. Regular exercise about 30 to 40 minutes a day for at least three times a week is recommended.  Exercising every day is better.  If you have someone that you can go with when exercising  they can monitor your progress. It can be beneficial  for both of you. 

Reduce Stress: More and more evidence suggests a relationship between the risk of cardiovascular disease and environmental and psychosocial factors. These factors include job strain, relationship issues and social isolation. Acute and chronic stress may affect factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, smoking, physical inactivity and overeating. Try to consciously observe when you are getting stressed and take steps to relax yourself. Deep breathing helps. Close your eves and take a deep breath. Inhale for 4-5 seconds and slowly exhale. Do this 3-4 times whenever you feel you are stressed. 

Climb stairs or walk an extra block to work.  When going to work climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator. When parking your car walk an extra block just to get the needed exercise. Think of housework and yard work as an opportunity to exercise and remain healthy. Go the extra mile to keep your heart healthy.

Walk the dog regularly. If you have a dog look at your pet as an opportunity to exercise regularly.  Not only is it good for your heart, you are helping your pet and yourself stay healthy at the same time. Walking with your pet is good therapy for both of you.

Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Increasing the amount of fresh vegetables in your diet is healthy for your heart. Try to preserve nutrients by eating vegetables raw or lightly cooking by steaming or sauteing in heart healthy oils. Eat fresh fruit as a snacks and dessert sprinkled with lemon or fruit juice.

Use healthy fats in cooking oils and for snacks. Use heart healthy oils to cook with like olive oil, canola oil, and soybean oil.  When eating snacks have a few nuts like pecans or almonds instead of a doughnut.

Reduce stress in your life. Stress at work and at home contribute to high blood pressure.  Finding ways to reduce stress through exercise, meditation  and other methods is a good way to improve heart health.  

Note: While there is more research required to establish a links between stress and heart disease, Depression is an established risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). We will be updating our website on articles on depression and its cures soon. Please subscribe to stay updated.

Regular Checkups: Based on your family history, age and lifestyle, you may have to take additional care and frequent check-ups for your heart. Ask your doctor to check your cholesterol levels, to ensure that there is the right balance between LDL and HDL levels. Also have your blood pressure checked regularly.

Take stock of your refrigerator. Clean out your refrigerator regularly. Organize and throw out high fat foods. Making a shopping list and get fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products, whole grain breads, lean cuts of meat, seafood, and poultry. Organize and clean the refrigerator to make it heart healthy. Hide dessert in the crisper and buy in small quantities

Take medications regularly prescribed by doctors. If you have high cholesterol or blood pressure that needs to be lowered by medication then take the medications. Work with your doctor to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure  through diet and exercise so you can eventually eliminate the medicine if possible.                            

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